Thursday, January 22, 2015

Accountability in training

Good morning, world. This is my first post of my healthy living, accountability, 2015 resolution, fall back into love with exercising blog. Allow me to introduce myself (and please brace yourself for a lot of I am's....).

I am Allison.
I am 29 years old.
I am a pescatarian.
I am a little bit of a hippie.
I am in love with my boyfriend and gained some of that so called "love weight".
I am an exercise enthusiast.
I am trying to eat better after the holidays.
I am trying to fall back in love with running.
I am looking for an outlet and accountability in the new year.

Hi, this is me!

And this is the boyfriend (we'll call him K for privacy sake) just being hilarious and trying to help me get this kick started...

"sounds like a good idea! what is going to be your first post?
what is your favorite yoga pose?
zakaasana, sanskrit for vegetable pose lol"

Stay tuned for loads of food and exercise posts and silly quips from K keeping me motivated. I hope you enjoy!